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Sunday, 16 October 2011

geram sgt2..

Hari ni geram nye la saya..pagi td dah terlanggar divider abis calar kete..erm...sedihnya....hari ni timbang berat dah naik ke 87.0kg..senang2 je berat tu naik...penat mcm nak rak diet alih2 kecewa...semalam keluar g umah hada, ok fine pg td tu tumbang berat dah 85.8kg..happy je..lepas tu ajak dia g sunway, minah sekor ni leh layan window shopping start dr kul 4.30 ptg smpi kul 10mlm..aku yg dah sakit2 kaki ikut xperasan aku dah melantak air2 manis utk hilangkan kehausan..aku siap melantak A&W lg...siap conepizza..erm..sekarang aku myesal..keje kuat seminggu sudah gagal..hari ni aku kena restart balik...n pengajarannya silap bawak air putih kalau ikut hada shopping lg...

Sunday, 2 October 2011

semangat..mana dikau..sila jgn tinggalkan sy jauh..

Salam blogku,
              Semalam semangat berkobar2, lari2 atas treadmill dr kelajuan 4.0km/j hingga 8.0km sejam...buat 40min larian dgn jarak sejauh 3km..berpeluh sakan dari atas smpi bawah....mencurah2 peluh...seronok sekali sekala dpt wat mcm td timbang berat 87.2kg..erm lambat sgt turun xcapai target utk turun seminggu 1kg..Tapi semangat xkan hilang begitu sahaja..mesti kena cuba lg..Sejak pindah duk kuarters ni, senang nak diet..
            n pasal membe yg duk sekali dgn aku..kdg2 aku rasa mluat gak tgk dia, kdg2 dia sound aku teruk gak..n aku xrasa dia nk myokong aku....semalam aku ckp kat dia aku nk updated status pasal berat n nk letak pic kat fb..dia ketawakan seolah2 memaluka je buat kat FB..aku belum bodo lg, nak bg semua org tgk status la aku gemuk, kang org ejek plak tgk aku berusaha nak kurus..Aku updated kat fb status n pic..n aku cuma masukkn kawan2 yg amik berat pasal masalah berat bdn aku...yg lain aku invisible dr tgk apa status aku updated n pic..tmasuk la kawan rumah aku..xpela...aku xsensitip org kata aku gemuk sbb mmg kenyataan aku gemuk n aku kena bertindak positif dengan kawal mkn n selalu lah bersenam..

           Pagi tadi aku sarapan oat n air suam segelas, aku sarapan mcm biasa, cuma last week aku breakfast kat cafe..niat baik nk temankan membe umah aku ni mkn tp aku yg pagi td masa aku breakfast kat rumah aku, aku sound dia awal2 aku hari x breakfast kt cafe sbb aku dh breafast kat umah..dia mcm frust, sbb xde org teman dia n ckp nanti ko lapar lau xmkn kat cafe(plz la, aku dah amik oat), padan muka ko..time aku gemuk ckp mcm2 bila aku xnk mkn mknan yg blemak sibuk pulak ko ckp nanti lapar mcm mana..

           Aku yg gemuk bukan jangan myibuk bila aku nk jalani hidup sihat..Aku nk berada dikalangn org yg positif je..yg xpositif sila blah..

Sunday, 18 September 2011

updated minggu ke 2

aiyak stress..turun 500gram je selepas minggu ke 2 berakhir..Start minggu ke 3..xnak beli ape2 dr cafe...ptg pg NSK cari ikan n sayur..n singgah giant cari marinated chiken...cari buah ckit..

Monday, 12 September 2011

Restart diet after raya

Alhamdulillah, dah lepas dah satu perayaan raya...dan sungguh menyedihkan my weight gain...up to 88 kg..salah sendiri syok melantak rendang ketupat bagai..lagipun lupa terus nak work out..

So I decide not to quit, I restart balik my program diet..Nak sihat nak BMI normal bukan tujuan nak cantik semata2 tapi nak kejar cita2 .. I start my diet n workout on 5 sept 2011 with my weight 88kg...dan syukur Alhamdulillah after 1week now my weight 87kg..kali ni lebih consistant..sebab i dah tarik treadmill masuk bilik..jadi i ada motivasi rasa bersalah lau xnaik treadmill tu..I pun dah wat jadual dan cabaran ni akan berlangsung selama 205 hari..

Hopefully berjaya Amin...

Thursday, 4 August 2011

selepas sibuk dgn duniawi..85kg..

Alhamdulillah, sekarang dah masuk bulan puasa, diet on-off, tapi berat badan kini still kekal..skang nak updated berat badan sy skang 85 kg..dah lama xbuka blog ni, erm..putus asa dah diet tp bila masuk blog ni balik sedar byk jugak susut dari awal hari tu..

Monday, 14 March 2011

welcome 8...

why im welcoming 8 to my life? suddenly, alhamdulillah my weight was reach 88kg, before this im 95-90kg, hopefully no more 90 in my weight..hurm, i took1 piece of "karipap", worried because i have overtaking a food, on breakfast, i absolutely cannot eat a food that containt wheat flour and my plan 2 cover, in my lunch meal, i just took an apple n drink a lot of water...hurm, need to be strong....

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Atkins Induction Phase

Tomorrow i will starting my atkins diet, for a started i need to going through a 1st phase that in Atkins's diet call INDUCTION, it's where i need to lose weight, losing up to 6kg in the 1st 2 weeks. It look like difficult to me, but i need to move on from now.

The rules of Atkins Diet.

  • Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.
  • Don’t skip your meals.
  • Make a balanced combination of fat and protein (poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and red meat, as well as pure, natural fat in the form of butter, mayonnaise, olive oil, safflower, sunflower and other vegetable oils) to eat.
  • Don’t consume carbohydrates more than 20 grams a day.
  • Don’t use nuts and seeds in first 2 weeks.
  • Avoid drinks with caffeine as coffee, tea, soft drinks.
  • Get rid of constipation if you have. Mix a tablespoon or more of psyllium husks in water and drink daily or mix ground flaxseed into a shake or sprinkle wheat bran on a salad or vegetables.
  • Take a good quantity of multivitamin with minerals but without iron daily.
  • Use sweeteners (sucralose or saccharin) instead of sugar.
  • Try to defeat your nibbling habit by taking some protein enrich snacks every time when you feel for.
  • Try to avoid hidden carbs in gravies, sauces and dressings.
  • Don’t use diet products without labeling "no carbohydrates."
  • Chewing gum, breath mints, cough syrups and cough drops are also not good, as they contain sugar or other caloric sweeteners.
  • Don’t go for sugarless, sugar-free or "no sugar added" products, as they indirectly provide extra carbohydrates.
  • Add vegetables and green salads as more as possible in your daily diet, as they are actually low in carbohydrates.

new beggining../

will be updated my this new blog tomorrow...hopefully all my plan running smoothly..insya'allah..Amin